Thursday, March 17, 2011

NYC Educator: Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences Are Coming, But Then Again, So Is Summer

NYC Educator: Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences Are Coming, But Then Again, So Is Summer

Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences Are Coming, But Then Again, So Is Summer

Ah, parent-teacher conferences. The day on which you get together with the parents of your students to duke it out over whose fault it is that darling Johnny is failing. (Just kidding! Obviously it's yours.)

If it helps any of you psych yourselves up for the event, maybe my own philosophy on the spring PTCs will help you; namely, that the spring PTCs are The Beginning of the End. The evening PTC day is one of the longest of the year for many of us, but once it's over, it's downhill from here.

My cynical start to this particular blog post notwithstanding, I have some pro tips for PTCs in this