Monday, March 21, 2011

NJ Spotlight | Op-Ed: Change is Built not Bought

NJ Spotlight | Op-Ed: Change is Built not Bought

Op-Ed: Change is Built not Bought
Building support for change builds the trust required to implement and sustain change

Recently, the how and who of school reform in Newark has focused on residents’ demands for transparency and community engagement. Tension between the so-called reformers and the segments of the community concerned about the potential privatization of their schools is obvious. Parents are understandably wary of yet another educational experiment foisted upon their children: They are tired of hearing government officials label their schools complete failures and their children ill-equipped for the world.

Few would argue the need for change. But for any new initiatives the school district is considering to take root and be sustained over time, Newark must move quickly on a herculean task: to build a foundation of trust to support change.

Those involved in the education of children in Newark must step up like never before. We need collaboration, humility and a willingness to recalibrate. Parents, union leaders, government offices, community groups, state agencies, charter school parents and traditional public school parents -