Monday, March 14, 2011

National Journal Online -- Education Experts --Diane Ravitch responded to Upping the Ante on an Education Bill

National Journal Online -- Education Experts -- Upping the Ante on an Education Bill

Diane Ravitch responded to Upping the Ante on an Education Bill on March 14, 2011 01:52 PM

Stop Setting Impossible Goals It is urgent to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act before almost every public school in the United States is called a "faillure" for not reaching 100% proficiency, a goal not reached by any nation in the world, ever in history. Setting impossible goals simply sets up public education to fail. It is imperative to remove all the punishments and "remedies" that were added when ESEA became NCLB. NCLB has caused untold damage to American public education. Teachers are demoralized, cherished community schools are closing, and the whole charade is based on a myth,...