Thursday, March 24, 2011

More Villainous Than Hypocrisy - Bridging Differences - Education Week

More Villainous Than Hypocrisy - Bridging Differences - Education Week

More Villainous Than Hypocrisy

Dear Diane,

It's summer in Argentina, and up here in Hillsdale, it has snowed again!!

On hypocrisy: I used to complain/explain to my left-wing friends that we should honor hypocrisy, because it's the only hope we have. It's precisely in the gap between our good intentions and our less worthy actions that we must negotiate the future.

I'm not sure it's hypocrisy that distorts the good sense of the new de-formers. What galls me most is that they have a very clearly different standard for themselves than for the rest of us. They know perfectly well that their advantages are advantages for their children and will fight to the death to preserve them. No matter how fast we line up after recess, there will be the same number at the end of the line. And the rich think they deserve to be at