Thursday, March 10, 2011

Modern School: The Re-Occupation of Wisconsin's Capital and Calls For A General Strike #wearewi #WIunion

Modern School: The Re-Occupation of Wisconsin's Capital and Calls For A General Strike

The Re-Occupation of Wisconsin's Capital and Calls For A General Strike

Yesterday Wisconsin Republicans passed anti-union legislation that would end dues check-offs, mandate yearly votes to maintain union certification, and restrict bargaining to wages, which would be tied to inflation. In response, 8,000 thousand demonstrators forced their way back into the capital building in protest, some climbing through bathroom windows in order to make their way in. According to some witnesses, every floor of the capital was packed and police were threatening to move people out for their own safety. Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers had to sneak out of the capital through a side tunnel, but were confronted by 500 protesters who had predicted this cowardly move. The lawmakers had to be escorted to safety by state troopers.