Saturday, March 5, 2011

Machines That Think, Diagnose, and Teach–Brave New World | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Machines That Think, Diagnose, and Teach–Brave New World | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Machines That Think, Diagnose, and Teach–Brave New World

Plaque marking Alan Turing's former home in Wi...

Image via Wikipedia

In 1950, the Turing Test–named after Alan Turing, a British mathematician and founder of computer science–was established to determine if an artificial intelligence (AI) program could be written that would convince judges–who would pose questions through a computer terminal to a human and the AI program–that they knew whether a human or machine was answering their questions. For the past two decades, a prize of $3,000 was given. In2009, a human won–but just barely.

Recall also Garry Kasparov beating Big Blue in chess in 1996 and then losing to the machine next year.

And just a month ago, Watson beat two human contestants at “Jeopardy.” Looks like AI machines are on a roll