Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Layoff Scares vs. Fair Warning - voiceofsandiego.org: Schooled: The Education Blog

Layoff Scares vs. Fair Warning - voiceofsandiego.org: Schooled: The Education Blog
Layoff Scares vs. Fair Warning

School board member Kevin Beiser calls it the "pink slip yo-yo." School districts don't know exactly what their budgets look like yet, but have to decide if they're going to warn teachers of layoffs by March 15.

Districts often end up laying off fewer teachers once they get their actual budget numbers. Even if they end up being canceled, layoff warnings cause a lot of anxiety and even spur teachers to leave.

But what if school districts could wait to warn teachers about layoffs until they had better information about their budgets? The nonprofit Education Trust West argues that we should do just that:

Lacking accurate budget information, and with fewer than two and a half months to make critical personnel decisions, many district leaders make conservative calculations about projected deficits and send layoff notices to