Friday, March 4, 2011

Jesus Loves You, But… | Mr. Teachbad's Blog of Teacher Disgruntlement

Jesus Loves You, But… | Mr. Teachbad's Blog of Teacher Disgruntlement

Jesus Loves You, But…

Everyone Else Thinks You’re An Asshole

That’s sort of how I feel. After all day with administrators wanting their data standards assessment profile action plans and students asking dumb-ass questions about work they are not going to do, you’d think we’d get some love on the outside.

But no.

I’m not sure where to start. For at least a few years now the drumbeat of “we have to get rid of bad teachers” has been getting louder. (Nevermind the complexities of defining what a good or a bad teacher is.)

In recent days the drumbeat has become deafening and hostile. (Again…pay no attention to complexity or nuance. They don’t get along with loud or hostile.)

Is this job worth it? We are attacked, but there is no defense. If teachers dare to question any proposition that would adversely affect their working conditions, they are labeled as “putting adults first, not kids”. This is the