Sunday, March 27, 2011

I, for one, am ready to march « Cooperative Catalyst

I, for one, am ready to march « Cooperative Catalyst

I, for one, am ready to march

Laura Schiller contributes this #blog4nwp post.

In middle age, I discovered the National Writing Project and subsequently found my voice as an educator and a passion for learning that continues decades later. But I did not grow in isolation. My three daughters watched their mother publish, complete National Board Certification, teach teachers across the country, and work toward a doctorate in education. NWP changed us all, strong women, focused learners, intent on contributing to the world in ways that would leave it a better place when we were gone.

My journey into a deeply thoughtful teaching life came with a sense of responsibility to others. NWP is about teachers teaching teachers. It is a network that reaches into classrooms to support students as writers and