Sunday, March 6, 2011

How You Can Boycott the Kochs (List of Their Products) « Larry Miller's Blog

How You Can Boycott the Kochs (List of Their Products) « Larry Miller's Blog

How You Can Boycott the Kochs (List of Their Products)

AlterNet / By Lauren Kelley February 28, 2011

The backlash against the Kochs’ influence in Wisconsin is gaining steam, with labor supporters starting to boycott Koch Industries’ many products (listed below)

Over the past few weeks, the billionaire Koch brothers and their front groups have steadily increased their involvement in Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s efforts to strip state workers of their collective bargaining rights. The Kochs’ outsized wealth and influence are forces to be reckoned with; that’s why we should all be grateful that a Koch backlash, including a boycott of Koch Industries’ products, has started picking up steam.

AlterNet has been keeping a close eye on the Koch-financed support for Walker’s anti-union campaign. As wereported last week, Walker is deep in the pocket of the Kochs, having received some $43,000 from Koch Industries while running for governor in 2010. Once Walker was elected, he made sure to take care of his friends/financiers, giving out massive tax breaks to Koch Industries, and more recently, launching the ongoing effort to quash Wisconsin union workers’ rights.

As AlterNet’s Washington bureau chief Adele Stan puts it, Walker is “carrying out the wishes of his corporate master.” But why are the brothers Koch so interested in stifling labor rights in Wisconsin? For one thing, they