Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Many Straws Before The Last One? | Dailycensored.com

How Many Straws Before The Last One? | Dailycensored.com

How Many Straws Before The Last One?

We are in dire economic straits in many states, counties, cities in this country of ours. We are closing schools, laying off police andfire fighters. Our streets are eroding. The GOP is waging war on the middle and lower classes and we have a president who has an egg noodle for a backbone. I just read that Obama is backing down on requiring states to adhere to the new health care law and the GOP said, “NO, they want to destroy health care for the poor and middle classes.”

And NOW, what do I hear? The Central Bank, in Afghanistan, was looted again by Karzai, his brother, and his brother-in-law. We are told that this most corrupt government will fall because it cannot make its payroll due to the fact that the Karzai family stole one billion dollars. The only solution being offered is that the taxpayers in this country have to bail them out, too? NO FRAQING WAY. We have pounded too many G-D dollars down