Thursday, March 31, 2011

For the want of nothing more.......Whole Child Education Reform

Whole Child Education Reform
For the want of nothing more....... Says it all. Charles White , after struggling through a NCLB style school, got involved in the Job Corp at Muhlenberg Career Development Center in Greenville KY. And the results:

By Charles White

A cold and barren wasteland, filled with tables and chairs,
Holding captive fragile minds of tomorrows Kings and heirs
Words appear upon the wall, waiting to be memorized.
Rebel youths ignore the scrawl. refusing to be hyptnotized.
Tomorrow's future breaking down with each passing day
Forced to relive the past, for ignoring what elders say.
Breathe some warmth into this place, so we may stand a chance.
Each youth may still be saved, following the step of destiny dance
One bright star shines in the sky joined by one after the other
Heloing hands stretched out to find a sister or a brother.
Fragile minds begin to grow till the waste land is no more.
Hopes and dreams are realized with want for nothing more.