Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Florida Senate Bill 736 House Bill 7019 – Debate Blogging Comments Floor Debate Mar 15, 2011-SB736 HB7019 « Continuing Change #legFL #edFL

Florida Senate Bill 736 House Bill 7019 – Debate Blogging Comments Floor Debate Mar 15, 2011-SB736 HB7019 « Continuing Change

Florida Senate Bill 736 House Bill 7019 – Debate Blogging Comments Floor Debate Mar 15, 2011-SB736 HB7019

I could not watch or attend the debate of Florida SB736 / HB7019 today. I teach, so watching TV during the day isn’t an option in my schedule…

So, I came home and searched out the blogging of those I trust. Here is what I found on Facebook walls:

From Andy Ford, FEA President: “The questions are very good…pointing out that this bill: guts local control, interferes with bargaining, is a huge unfunded mandate, eliminates due process, and increases testing for every subject at every grade level through end of course exams.”