Tuesday, March 15, 2011

#EDUSolidarity: It’s Time for Teachers Like Us to Stand Up « Outside the Cave

#EDUSolidarity: It’s Time for Teachers Like Us to Stand Up « Outside the Cave

#EDUSolidarity: It’s Time for Teachers Like Us to Stand Up


As we all know, teachers and our unions, along with those of other public sector employees, face unprecedented attacks in the national media and from local and state governments. It is easy for politicians and the media to demonize the “unions” and their public faces; it is far more difficult to demonize the millions of excellent teachers who are proud union members. Those of us who are excellent teachers and who stand in solidarity with our unions are probably no stranger to the question “Well, why are you involved with the union if you’re a good teacher?” It’s time for us to stand up and answer that question loudly and clearly.