Friday, March 18, 2011

The Educated Reporter: My last post on TER; where to find me next.

The Educated Reporter: My last post on TER; where to find me next.

My last post on TER; where to find me next.

Today is my last day at EWA. It has been a very rewarding three years, especially working with reporters, as Ihave mentioned. Please stay in touch. Perhaps you could still send me your drafts to edit, and just deposit a few bucks in my PayPal account. Eventually I will have enough to buy a pillow on Etsy.

No, just kidding. EWA will hire a new public editor soon, and he or she will be able to help you just as I did. But I wasn’t kidding about staying in touch.

My phone number remains the same. You can e-mail me at linda at lindaperlstein dot com. If you are a public relations professional, you know I love you—but do not send press releases to this address. Don’t put me on your distribution list. Don’t send me pitches for the blog. I will miss many things about this job, but a steady stream of e-mails about robotics challenge winners and statements by association presidents reacting to statements by federal officials is not one of them. I probably know about your organization, and pay attention to it in my own way. However, if you want to contact me personally, that’s great.

I will be doing freelance editing and writing. If you want to hire me for a project, that’s great too.

My blog will be migrating to I am calling it “Continuing Education,” because as hard as I tried to avoid education puns, I couldn’t help myself. To the friend who said it’s a bad name, “Meeting the Turnaround Challenge” isn’t so awesome either. Don’t be a hater.

I will still comment about education journalism, more freely since the journalists won’t be my clients anymore. I will comment about education too—again, more freely. But I will also write about other things on occasion: pop culture, food, life. And of course pop culture about education. Nothing get hits like a Tony Danza blog item!

The blog may get a little more personal from time to time, but nothing Dooce-ish, and I don’t plan to photograph my dinner. If you’re going to keep reading, come on over! And if not, it’s been great. Thanks for reading. Stay tuned to this space to see what comes next.