Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Drag us all down. Pitting public and private sector workers against each other. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Drag us all down. Pitting public and private sector workers against each other. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Drag us all down. Pitting public and private sector workers against each other.

Locked-out steelworkers from Illinois march to support public sector workers in Madison.

One of the great victories of the Battle for Madison has been the failure of the Walker-Fox tactic of pitting private sector and public sector union workers against each other.

A hat tip to my friend David Rathke for posting this on Facebook.

We left for Wisconsin on Feb. 27 to show our solidarity with the fine people of Madison, and drove through the night to make it happen. Once there, we noticed first the absolute cold and snow, and knew it was going to be a frigid day. As we