Thursday, March 24, 2011

District 4 residents scarce among Easley’s donors | DeFENSE

District 4 residents scarce among Easley’s donors | DeFENSE

District 4 residents scarce among Easley’s donors

When Nate Easley’s constituency says, “we’ve had enough,” who does he turn to? Why, rich donors outside of District 4, of course!

Nate has received over $35,000 in contributions to his recall campaign. Almost $20,000 of those contributions came from Denver Scholarship Fund board members, or the people that ultimately oversee his job. Scott Reiman, Jack Kim, David Scanavino, Terry Leprino, Barbara Grogan and Steve Kris are all on the DSF Board.

One interesting donor, Wesley Brown, is a co-director of St. Charles Capital. Know who else is a co-director of