Monday, March 14, 2011

Did NYC’s School Chancellor Call a Snow Day for a Kennedy Kid? « Student Activism

Did NYC’s School Chancellor Call a Snow Day for a Kennedy Kid? « Student Activism

Did NYC’s School Chancellor Call a Snow Day for a Kennedy Kid?

Well … probably not. But it’s a weird story anyway.

Joel Klein was chancellor of the New York City public school system for eight and a half years. In that time, he only declared four snow days. And — according to a speech he gave last week — one of them was because Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg’s son had a paper due.

At a swank benefit luncheon for a local charter school organization, Klein said that he promised Caroline’s son Jack — named for his grandfather, President Kennedy — that if Jack’s mom agreed to serve as chief fundraiser for the city’s schools, he’d call a snow day sometime on Jack’s birthday. Caroline took the job (and eventually raised half a billion dollars in donations for the schools).

I’ll let the New York Daily News take the story from here:

“Seven years later,” Klein told the crowd, he hadn’t made good on “my side of the bet,” even though Jack