Thursday, March 17, 2011

Daily Kos: Voting now half over - still need your help

Daily Kos: Voting now half over - still need your help

Voting now half over - still need your help

I really want to go to Netroots Nation in Minneapolis in June. But this has been a rough year financially, as those who follow my diaries know: due to financial problems in Prince George's County Public Schools, where I teach, I am down almost $9,000 between the cut of my National Board Stipend and the four furlough days.

Thus the only way I can afford to come is if I win a Democracy for America scholarship.

That will cover my hotel and conference fees, and someone has promised me airfare.

The best way to win a scholarship is to finish in the top 3 of the first round of voting. As you can see here I am currently solidly in 2nd place.

But voting continues through March 28, and I still need every vote I can get.

Click on my picture and see who has voted for me, and why. You will see former students, parents, many people from Daily Kos.

I am especially proud of my support from the likes of Parker Palmer and Diane Ravitch.

Will you join them? Will you vote for me?

Might you ask others to join you in doing so?

I will be appreciative of all the support i can get.

