Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cheating on the Hard Work of School Reform - TIME

Cheating on the Hard Work of School Reform - TIME

Cheating on the Hard Work of School Reform

Cheating in school became education topic number one this week, except this time it wasn't students cheating on tests — it was adults cheating for them. As part of a series, USA Today published an article strongly suggesting that teachers or administrators goosed student test score gains at an elementary and middle school in Washington, D.C. Since it was a school former D.C. chancellor Michelle Rhee had singled out for praise, the news created yet another battleground for Rhee combatants. The distraction is too bad because the focus on cheating offers — pardon the cliché — a teachable moment for parents and policymakers.

Even assuming that teachers and administrators at the school at the center of this week's controversy didn't do anything improper, too much cheating by adults does go on in too many schools

Read more:,8599,2062255,00.html#ixzz1IC1CmwMl