Monday, March 21, 2011

Capitol Smackdown: Teacher Union vs. Teacher Union - Rick Green | CT Confidential

Capitol Smackdown: Teacher Union vs. Teacher Union - Rick Green | CT Confidential

Capitol Smackdown: Teacher Union vs. Teacher Union

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Don't let anyone tell you that things aren't changing. AFT Connecticut is supporting a reform package that would accelerate creation of better teacher evaluation standards. The Connecticut Education Association is opposing it.

yrchik 2.JPGcea logo 2.jpgThe idea is to speed-up efforts already underway so that school districts have clear measures over what makes a good teacher. Instead of, say, how many years a teacher has been on the job -- which is the seniority standard that dominates in school districts

The rival Connecticut Education Association will have none of this. John Yrkchik, in testimony prepared for delivery at tomorrow's public hearing by the education committee, says:

"We are concerend with the bill before you because it changes the process the education stakeholders agreed to last year. CEA believes the process