Thursday, March 24, 2011

Big Education Ape: 3-24-11, Special PM #wiunion Edition #1u #wearewi #p2

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #wiunion

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

#wiunion - Koch whore Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker quietly killed an apprentice program that has trained young workers in the building trades since 1971. Milwaukee News Buzz has the story: In an executive orde...

coopmike48 - Editorial: Actions speak louder than tweets, blogs - NorthJersey.comEditorial: Actions speak louder than tweets, blogsThursday, March 24, 2011SOUTH BERGENITEWe read the news and the analysis pieces...

coopmike48 - A song entitled, “Madison” | blue cheddar.A song entitled, “Madison”BY BLUECHEDDARPlease click and listen. This song is called “Madison” and it comes to you from some sweet musicians in Oakland, Ca...

coopmike48 - Last night, I was at my local Drinking Liberally chapter talking to a couple people about my trip to Madison last month, and someone remarked that Ohio passed a bill which was even more draconian. ...

coopmike48 - Caffeinated Politics also endorsed Marsha Rummel in early March. District 6: Marsha Rummel Few Madison alders are so thoroughly engaged with their districts as is Marsha Rummel, who was elected to ...

coopmike48 - Associated Press - March 24, 2011 6:55 PM ET INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - An Indiana prosecutor says 1 of his deputies has resigned after admitting that he sent an e-mail to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker sugg...

coopmike48 - We're not kidding. This really happened. Carlos Lam, a deputy prosecutor in Johnson County, Ind., sent an email to Koch whore Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. reports: The email came...

coopmike48 - MADISON, Wis | Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:04pm EDT MADISON, Wis (Reuters) - The battle over Wisconsin's new law curbing the union rights of public workers is headed for the state Supreme Court after a lowe...

coopmike48 - Dave Johnson writes: "William Koch, brother of company owners David and Charles, called the company an 'organized crime' operation: Koch says that Koch Industries engaged in '(o)rganized crime. And...

coopmike48 - Union election mess is the GOP's M.O.: Cause chaos, blame your opponents | Uppity WisconsinUnion election mess is the GOP's M.O.: Cause chaos, blame your opponents So here's another Republican frak...

coopmike48 - Carlos Lam just admitted he wrote email telling Scott Walker to frame unions | blue cheddar.Carlos Lam just admitted he wrote email telling Scott Walker to frame unionsBY BLUECHEDDARUpdated 3:59 p....

coopmike48 - MSNBC's Cenk Uygur takes a trip down memory lane playing back the Republicans doom and gloom warnings that never quite panned out. And they haven't stopped warning us either. Fun but shockingly inc...

coopmike48 - DA Files for Budget Act Stay Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel ...Keep order in effect, Ozanne asks court...Kasich So Eager To Cut Spending He’d Leave Prison Guard Towers Empty ThinkProgress ... Kasi...

coopmike48 - When 69 percent of Milwaukee voters passed the right for paid sick leave in a referendum two years ago, the business community challenged the will of the citizens in court, and managed to hold up t...

coopmike48 - Printer-friendly versionSend to friendBy David Dayen Scott Walker did not run primarily on a platform of killing public employee unions and becoming a conservative darling. His slogan during the Wi...

coopmike48 - Mar 2011 24 Walker’s executive order, his 18th, was not distributed as a press release, unlike the prior 17, each of which can still be read on the “Media Center” section of the governor’s website....

coopmike48 - An Indiana prosecutor says one of his deputies has resigned after admitting that he sent an e-mail to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker suggesting the Republican fake an attack on himself to discredit pu...

coopmike48 - In an executive order that was quietly released, Gov. Scott Walker recently suspended rules requiring contractors on state construction projects to employ workers under the state’s apprenticeship p...

coopmike48 - The People's Mic - Damon Terrell and Rudy from Matt Wisniewski on Vimeo.

coopmike48 - This is actually a BIG story, with huge economic and job implications, that for whatever reason is not getting any traction against the Republican led House. The GOBP may be bought and paid for by ...

coopmike48 - – March 24, 2011Posted in: Announcements Some good news regarding the April 5 election… Union Cab of Madison Co-operative’s Board of Directors has authorized free rides to and from Madison, WI poll...

coopmike48 - Carol will be live at the capitol this morning to talk about the civil disobedience that should be going on at the capitol this morning with Segway Jeremy and Ben Masel -

coopmike48 - News | www.kochwatch.orgDavid Pakman: Mississippi Shows Sad Future of Anti-Union Explosionby CD"Buycott"?by CDIn response to widespread calls for consumer boycotts of Kock products, right-wing blog...

coopmike48 - Saturday's monster rally in Los Angeles is only one of a series of actions that will take place on or around April 4, 2011. The day marks the 43rd anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's death duri...

coopmike48 - Tens of thousands of protesters have traveled to Madison, the capitol of Wisconsin, for weeks of protests. Protesters have even surrounded Governor Scott Walker's home and filled the state's capito...

coopmike48 - Source: Journal Sentinel OnlineThe Wisconsin Court of Appeals on Thursday upheld Milwaukee's paid sick-day ordinance, which was halted by an injunction two years ago.The injunction sought by the Me...

coopmike48 - Wisconsin-style attacks spawn record turnout in St. Paul

coopmike48 - Gov. Scott Walker is expected Thursday to roll out the unpassed pieces of his budget repair bill, including a plan to refinance about $165 million in bonds. The move comes a month after Walker held...

coopmike48 - Conservative bloggers have been working overtime to counter the broad and widely echoed arguments of anti-Walker forces on many of the governor's sweeping and (arguably, since they are coming so fa...

coopmike48 - Now Sen. Ron Johnson (still a bit surreal to me) got a big fat media pass during the elections, when he got away with lying about health care reform, the main reason he jumped into the race (beside...

coopmike48 - So, Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald was on Fox News on Tuesday night and let slip that he didn't have the votes if they re-voted on killing collective bargaining. Fox moved quickly to bury this ne...

coopmike48 - What is this passionate farmer, Tony Schultz of Athens, WI, doing at a rally against Gov. Scott Walker's budget? He is fiery and eloquent as he talks of the shared values of farmers and unions and ...

coopmike48 - Members of the Natural Resources Board on Wednesday urged Gov. Scott Walker to reconsider his plan to roll back rules that protect Wisconsin lakes and streams from phosphorus pollution. The board, ...

coopmike48 - Gov. Scott Walker knows the dangers. Who knew. Comedy Central:


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@coopmike48/big-edu-ape-news-11 - MADISON, Wis. — A Wisconsin appeals court says the state Supreme Court should decide whether a law that takes away nearly all collective bargaining rights from public workers should be allowed to t...

coopmike48 - Comments still closed. Come on over to facebook and chat there. Thanks. Here is the original appeal statement. (I’m no lawyer. illusory tenant is and con provide a more scholarly analysis. I’ll sti...

coopmike48 - The Daily Kos has caught on to the Senator Randy Hopper (R-Fond du Lac) story with another update titled "Randy Hopper's mistress never formally applied for Wisconsin state job. It seems one way of...

coopmike48 - Just as spring break was starting, the largest protest in Wisconsin’s history was taking place March 12 on Capitol Square. One of the speakers there was a member of the farmer’s union who had come ...

coopmike48 - Governor Walker's proposed budget is taking on some very interesting aspects when you look at the politics. I offer the following example. First, there is State Secretary of the Department of Veter...

coopmike48 - Sinister minds were in over-drive during the chaotic weeks when collective bargaining rights were on the chopping block at the Wisconsin State Capitol. While there were wild speculations about the ...

coopmike48 - MADISON, Wis. (WTAQ) - Dane County’s chief prosecutor has given a state appeals court a second reason to keep blocking the new law that limits collective bargaining by public unions. Ismael Ozanne ...

coopmike48 - Gov. Scott Walker, in short order, has polarized Wisconsin's citizens. But he's also managed to divide the University of Wisconsin system. And before he's through, he could split the Republican cau...

coopmike48 - Note: This essay, by Isthmus news editor Bill Lueders, was written for a national audience and published March 23 on PoliticusUSA. By now most people in Wisconsin and throughout the nation know wha...

coopmike48 - It looks like the public outrage over the Republicans attack on teachers, unions and health care is having an effect on our new legislative bullies. Here’s the audio from Greta Van Susterin’s inter...

coopmike48 - Constituents of State Senator Sheila Harsdorf react to Republican State Senators passing a bill through an illegal committee. Among other things, the bill will strip Wisconsin's public workers of m...

coopmike48 - State Republicans are running attack ads against two of the Democratic "Fab 14" senators who fled Wisconsin to prevent a vote on anti-union legislation. The two, Teamster member Dave Hansen and Jim...

coopmike48 - All content on this site © 2006-2010 by each individual author, All Rights Reserved. Designed, Hosted, and Published by Cruiskeen Consulting LLC

coopmike48 - It seems that Scott Walker is unable to make the normal entrance to the places he goes these days. Today he chose to enter through the back door. Walker came to Minnesota Wire in Eau Claire, Wiscon...

coopmike48 - Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #eduBig Education Ape: Ed News Now as shared by 6 people on Coopmike48’s Twitter listNext update in about 12 hoursBack to front pageHEADLINESEDUCATIONPOLITICSART & E...

coopmike48 - Newly Released Wisconsin Emails Show GOP Considered Ways To Punish DemocratsMADISON, Wis. -- Everything from taking away computers to denying a year of service in the state retirement system was co...

coopmike48 - On March 9, with the news cameras rolling, Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca, D-Kenosha, stood up, a copy of the state’s open meetings law in his hand, and shouted that the actions several Repub...

coopmike48 - By Georgia Pabst and Sharif Durhams of the Journal Sentinel Updated: March 24, 2011 The Wisconsin Court of Appeals on Thursday upheld Milwaukee’s paid sick-day ordinance, which was halted by an inj...

coopmike48 - by SCOTT BAUER 03/23/11 Huffington Post MADISON, Wis. — Everything from taking away computers to denying a year of service in the state retirement system was considered to punish the 14 Wisconsin D...
