Monday, March 28, 2011

Anxious Parents and Preschool Reform: Here We Go Again | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Anxious Parents and Preschool Reform: Here We Go Again | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Anxious Parents and Preschool Reform: Here We Go Again

Baby Einstein birthday cake

Image by arichards63 - smile if you missed me via Flickr

“Listen, you can’t turn back the hands of time. Once they enter kindergarten, they can’t have the window of opportunity any longer. It’s too late.”

Parent and creator of Brainy Baby, Dennis Fedoruk, says what every anxious parent feels. Babies learn sign language and listen to classical music. Mothers enroll infants in Broadway Babies; toddlers take I.Q. tests. An industry of DVDs, games, and pure junk cater to parents fears. As one writer put it, “if the child isn’t launched on the route to super-achievement in the first years of life, he or she will be doomed forever to mediocrity or worse.” Nervous parents inventing infant professionals–making a three-minute egg in one minute–do so to gain that extra