Tuesday, February 22, 2011

#wisolidarity #wiunion #weac Excerpts fromPress Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney Aboard Air Force One en route Cleveland, Ohio | The White House

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney Aboard Air Force One en route Cleveland, Ohio | The White House
We call on the governments of the region to listen to and respect the legitimate aspirations of their people and to reform accordingly.

Q Jay, there’s going to be a labor rally in Columbus about the time that the President is here. There’s of course the unrest in Wisconsin. You’re also seeing it in Ohio and Indiana, and there’s going to be a large protest of teachers in early March over labor rules proposed by that legislature. Is the President going to address any of that today? And does he have any thoughts on this ongoing situation?

MR. CARNEY: I don’t have anything for you on what the President will say today. He’s focused very much -- with regard to that, he’s focused very much on this important forum, small business forum.

And as far as his thoughts, he expressed them in an interview with a Wisconsin television station -- I believe it was last week -- where he made clear that he absolutely recognizes the need that state governments have, governors and legislators, to deal with their fiscal situation; that everyone needs to tighten their belts, and that includes public sector employees. But he also expressed his concern that the efforts specifically in Wisconsin were aimed at going right after the collective bargaining rights of unions.

So -- but that’s the extent of the White House involvement.

Q What about Kasich’s efforts in Ohio to go after collective bargaining?

MR. CARNEY: I don’t have anything on that for you.