Monday, February 14, 2011

Wisconsin Says ‘No Way’ to Walker’s Budget, Bargaining Assault | AFL-CIO NOW BLOG

Wisconsin Says ‘No Way’ to Walker’s Budget, Bargaining Assault | AFL-CIO NOW BLOG

Wisconsin Says ‘No Way’ to Walker’s Budget, Bargaining Assault

by Donna Jablonski, Feb 14, 2011

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UPDATE: Veterans are strongly objecting to Walker’s “inappropriate threat to activate the National Guard to intimidate state workers, as his administration moves forward with plans to break up workers’ unions,” according Vote

“Maybe the new governor doesn’t understand yet – but the National Guard is not his own personal intimidation force to be mobilized to quash political dissent,” said Robin Eckstein, a former Wisconsin National Guard member, Iraq War Veteran from Appleton, Wis., and member of “The Guard is to be used in case of true emergencies and disasters, to help the