Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wisconsin rallies, Detroit is next – Rally planned today and on February 23, 2011 | #wisolidarity #wiunion #weac

Wisconsin rallies, Detroit is next – Rally planned today and on February 23, 2011 |

Wisconsin rallies, Detroit is next – Rally planned today and on February 23, 2011

Rally and March Wednesday February 23 Noon at the Michigan State Capitol

  • Stop Emergency Financial Manager Dictatorships in Michigan! Defeat the New Jim Crow / House Bill 4214 !
  • Run Rob Bobb out of our State! Save Public Education!
  • Tell Snyder – Hell No More Budget Cuts!

Buses to leave Northwest Activities Center at around 9 am; Many people carpooling

Teachers, Students, DPS Workers, Cityworkers, Parents, Community, and More

Other cities and towns to join us in Lansing!

DPS Students walked out of schools throughout the city this week to protest Bobb, teacher layoffs, class size hikes, school closings and all the worsening conditions in their schools !

Join our city’s new generation of heroes at Wednesday’s rally!

Planning meeting for Detroit teachers: Saturday at 4:30 pm at 19484 James Couzens

Steve Conn

Defend Public Education / Save Our Students


Join us on Facebook at Save D.P.S.

Rally and March Wednesday February 23 Noon at the Michigan State Capitol

Stop Emergency Financial Manager Dictatorships in Michigan! Defeat the New Jim Crow / House Bill 4214 !

Run Rob Bobb out of our State! Save Public Education!

Tell Snyder – Hell No More Budget Cuts!

Buses to leave Northwest Activities Center at around 9 am; Many people carpooling

Teachers, Students, DPS Workers, Cityworkers, Parents, Community, and More

Other cities and towns to join us in Lansing!

DPS Students walked out of schools throughout the city this week to protest Bobb, teacher layoffs, class size hikes, school closings and all the worsening conditions in their schools !

Join our city’s new generation of heroes at Wednesday’s rally!

Planning meeting for Detroit teachers: Saturday at 4:30 pm at 19484 James Couzens

Steve Conn

Defend Public Education / Save Our Students
