Monday, February 14, 2011

Why I LOVE Public Education « Teacher Reality

Why I LOVE Public Education « Teacher Reality

Why I LOVE Public Education

Four days before Valentines Day, I witnessed a wonderful example of community, learning and joy all rolled up into one heart-warming event. I had the joy of watching my child and her teammates compete in a color guard competition with other local high school teams. The competition took place in a packed auditorium of kids, teachers, and families and was an absolute pleasure to watch…so full of life and creativity. The high school teams, made up of kids from many backgrounds, all beautifully demonstrated what they had put their heart and souls into and worked hard together to develop. Their “end product” was a culmination of sweat, tears, creativity, knowledge, a few bruises, and individual expression that showed their families and community what they had created and learned together. It was a really great scene to watch unfold and it reminded me of why I love public education. I love the learning, the community, the contributions of the children, parents,