Friday, February 25, 2011

Weingarten offers more concessions « JD2718 #wiunion #wisolidarity

Weingarten offers more concessions « JD2718

Weingarten offers more concessions

In Wisconsin we see collective bargaining rights under direct attack. Furloughs, and other financial givebacks are becoming more common across the country. In New York City the mayor and the chancellor and the anti-seniority reformers (many carrying Gates-cash) are pushing to use layoffs as firings, and dismantle any sense of basic fairness.

And against this backdrop American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten offers a new, ‘improved’ teacher evaluation system (using kids’ test scores) and a fast-track to firing teachers. It is very hard not to say something.

The Us won’t be fairer. The draft of the evaluation system for the transformation schools may well be the blueprint for our eventual agreement with the City, and it is nothing more than the current system + subscores + test