Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vacuuming | Mr. Teachbad's Blog of Teacher Disgruntlement

Vacuuming | Mr. Teachbad's Blog of Teacher Disgruntlement


I walked out of my school this afternoon, breathed in the fresh, cool air and thought about where to stop for a snack before going home. It’s a busy street that joins other busy streets, with lots of people and traffic and stores. It’s perfect if you like those things. If you don’t, it could be rather off-putting.

I saw a student of mine who graduated last year. I crossed the street and ran a bit to catch up with him….I thought he saw me. Maybe just ignores me because it’s not cool….or maybe I’m just a narcisist, thinking I’m worthy of being ignored and all. But would he really just ignore me?

(Maybe he would. But, on the other hand, as I am sitting here writing this in a notebook and eating my fries, three boys who were embarrassed when I said ‘Hi’ to them earlier have just stopped to say ‘good-bye’ to me on