Wednesday, February 16, 2011

U of California Student Regent Arrested, But No Charges Filed « Student Activism

U of California Student Regent Arrested, But No Charges Filed « Student Activism

U of California Student Regent Arrested, But No Charges Filed

The student member of the University of California’s Board of Regents was arrested in November on charges of sexual battery, UC Irvine student newspaper New University reported today, but no charges have been filed in the case.

Student Regent Jesse Cheng, a fifth-year undergraduate at Irvine, is a little more than halfway through his one-year term as a voting member of the Board of Regents.

According to New University, a UCLA grad student contends that Cheng “attempted to rape her in his off-campus apartment on Oct. 3 after she said no to his advances.” She reported the incident to police in late October, and