Saturday, February 5, 2011

Turning Around the Nation’s Lowest-Performing Schools - Hispanically Speaking News

Turning Around the Nation’s Lowest-Performing Schools - Hispanically Speaking News

Turning Around the Nation’s Lowest-Performing Schools

Turning Around the Nation’s Lowest-Performing Schools

Across the country, states and school districts are focusing on turning around the nation’s lowest-performing schools. Unprecedented federal Race to the Top and School Improvement Grant funding accompanied by a more prescriptive approach for using the funds has raised the profile of turnaround efforts. This focus on school turnaround, while welcome, is not new. State, district, and school leaders have been trying for years to turn around persistently low-performing schools. But while some schools have made significant gains in student achievement, results overall are decidedly mixed.

Why is this the case?
One of the overarching reasons for the uneven results is that districts generally have failed to recognize that persistently low-performing schools face unique challenges that require aggressive, customized, and sustained interventions. Instead, districts create one-size-fits-all intervention programs providing each target school with the same dollars, instructional coaches, or other support, regardless of differences in individual school needs. These