Monday, February 14, 2011

This Week In Education: TFA20: A Premature (Or Even Unwarranted) Celebration?

This Week In Education: TFA20: A Premature (Or Even Unwarranted) Celebration?

TFA20: A Premature (Or Even Unwarranted) Celebration?

Picture 92Imagine a world in which Michelle Rhee is something of a rock star no one’s much over 45 everyone is smart and optimistic and hard working and basically competent (if not particularly wise) and thinks they’re doing a bang-up job. That’s what it was like at this weekend’s TFA20 Summit, a slick celebration and expensive-seeming birthday party for Teach For America. No doubt TFA’s heart is in the right place and it deserves credit for lasting this long and growing as big as its gotten compared to many other rinky dink education nonprofits. But the sense of accomplishment was, even for a revival, both immodest and premature – reminding me of the kid who expects praise for doing his homework for a few days in a row or the football player who starts celebrating before he's reached the end zone. The situation TFA faces is far from clear. Two of its biggest champions -- Rhee and Klein -- were recently bounced from office. The