Thursday, February 3, 2011

This Week In Education: Reform: DFER, Stand For Children -- Now "50CAN"

This Week In Education: Reform: DFER, Stand For Children -- Now "50CAN"

Reform: DFER, Stand For Children -- Now "50CAN"

ScreenHunter_03 Feb. 03 10.10Once limited to lowly Connecticut, Marc Porter Magee's "CAN" organization (Campaign for Achievement Now) is spreading quickly though it still has a long way to go. The newish organization colonized to Rhode Island last year and most recently snuck into Minnesota (Puzzling out the achievement gap Star Tribune). They've recently hired Ellen Winn, of EEP, to help the expansion (Ellen Winn) and are looking to staff up. As with the other organizations, the

Quote: States Need Washington To Set "Stretch" Goals

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While states have done wonderful recent work in coming to agreement on common "college and work-ready" standards, their own track record of actually getting students to reach standards, by setting stretch goals, is extremely weak. -- Kati Haycock