Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This Week In Education: Media: "Specu-Journalism" Makes Tenure Proposals Seem Real

This Week In Education: Media: "Specu-Journalism" Makes Tenure Proposals Seem Real

Media: "Specu-Journalism" Makes Tenure Proposals Seem Real

image from occultview.comTrip Gabriel's NYT story (G.O.P. Governors Take Aim at Teacher Tenure) is yet another one of those "less than meets the eye" things that we've been getting a lot of lately, semi-speculative pieces where proposals and a handful of examples get conflated -- implicitly if not explicitly -- with things actually taking place. We saw this kind of speculative journalism happen with teacher layoffs last year and more recently with the "growing momentum" behind a NCLB reauthorization. Sure, Governors in Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Nevada and New Jersey want to revamp tenure laws. Sure, some folks have announced legislation. Something might happen! I must cover it! But as far as I know nothing has actually happened yet nor is there a case to be made