Monday, February 7, 2011

This Week In Education: AM News: Governors Threatening Education Cuts

This Week In Education: AM News: Governors Threatening Education Cuts

AM News: Governors Threatening Education Cuts


Governors Determined to Cut as Deficits Loom WSJ: Under one proposal [in Texas], state aid to public schools would drop $10 billion from current financing formulas.Iowa Gov. Branstad has proposed reducing what the state spends on preschool education to $43 million from $71 million and having parents pay on a sliding scale, depending on their income... [Also: Cuomo Offers a Target: Superintendent Salaries NYT]... End of diversity policy leaves a Southern school district divided: A 5-to-4 board majority in the acclaimed Raleigh, N.C.-area district has ushered in a neighborhood-based school attendance plan. Opponents have responded with anger, deriding the move as 're-segregation.'[Also: The Scary Segregated School Trend NPR].... Rise of the charter schools Boston Globe: Of the 20 proposals for new charter schools, 12 seek to locate in Boston. Via GothamSchools... Study finds funding gap between D.C. specialty and neighborhood schools Washington Post: The two public high schools, 21/2 miles apart in Northwest Washington, serve vastly different student populations. And they do it with vastly different levels of financial support, according to an analysis of school spending by a District advocacy group... School put girls on wrong bus, but dad nearly winds up in handcuffs Washington Post: A Laurel minister whose two young daughters were placed on the wrong bus and left unaccompanied at a stop on Thursday says their elementary school called the police on him after he went to the school and became agitated... Los Angeles schools suspend reality TV shoots after conflict with Jamie Oliver LAT: "If you look at the last series [Oliver] did in Huntington, W.Va., it was full of conflict and drama, and we're not interested in that," Alaniz said.