Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This Week In Education: AM News: Harvard Report Slams "One-Size" Education System

This Week In Education: AM News: Harvard Report Slams "One-Size" Education System

AM News: Harvard Report Slams "One-Size" Education System

image from scholasticadministrator.typepad.comStudy: Students need more paths to career success AP: The current U.S. education system is failing to prepare millions of young adults for successful careers by providing a one-size-fits-all approach, a Harvard University study published Wednesday concludes... Critics say top-rated Chinese education system has a flaw AP: Critics say the Chinese education system, though tops in test-taking, has a shortfall in producing students who are innovative and creative... Public High Schools Compete For President To Deliver Commencement Address AP: Obama will speak at the winning school's graduation, as he did last year at Michigan's Kalamazoo Central High School... Reps. Kline and Miller Talk ESEA EdWeek: It is looking more and more like the Senate will be the first to move on the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act... SLC schools to drop year-round schedule Salt Lake City Tribune: A district survey at five of the six schools found that 80 percent of parents and 86 percent of employees favor the year-round format... Student gets assault charge for blowing pellets AP: A high school freshman who hit classmates with plastic pellets blown from a tube has been suspended and charged with assault in Virginia....