Saturday, February 5, 2011

Teacher’s success baffles education establishment | theteachingwhore

Teacher’s success baffles education establishment | theteachingwhore

Teacher’s success baffles education establishment

Topeka, KANSAS (TWP)

Researchers commissioned by the Kansas Department of Education reported inconclusive findings in their study of Topeka High English teacher Marti Davis’s success. Davis, recently fired for non-compliance in several areas, including conducting, remediating, and storing data from mandated state-issued tests, appeared to have highly successful students anyway.

“We’re not quite sure why there seems to be no relation between Ms Davis’s failure to teach in the proper way and the continued success rate of her students in tests, graduation, college, and work,” said Bernard Simpson, head of Education Design for 21st Century Schooling. “I don’t know. Her shit just don’t stink.”

“Classroom observation revealed a strange insistence on speaking directly to students and responding to them