Sunday, February 27, 2011

Support Needed Today, Sunday, at the Capitol at 3:30 « Larry Miller's Blog #StateSOS #WIunion #SolidarityWI

Support Needed Today, Sunday, at the Capitol at 3:30 « Larry Miller's Blog

Support Needed Today, Sunday, at the Capitol at 3:30

As we all know the committed folks who have been at the Capitol for
over 13 days now will be asked to leave by 4:00 p.m. on Sunday. We
want this to be a positive experience and would love to have a crowd
of supporters at the Capitol to greet them and thank them when they
walk out. We will be using the door on State Street which is symbolic
-State Street is where our Rallies started. While people will be asked
to leave-the Capitol- this fight is far from over- people will be back
again on Monday and Tuesday. So please help us get people there to
stand with these committed people who have called Capitol City their
home these last two weeks. So let’s show our support and thank them
for standing strong with us. Please plan to be at the State Street
entrance of the Capitol outside by 3:30 p.m. tomorrow.