Monday, February 28, 2011

Schools Matter: A Suggestion: Dump Striving Readers, Give the Money to School Libraries in High Poverty Areas

Schools Matter: A Suggestion: Dump Striving Readers, Give the Money to School Libraries in High Poverty Areas

A Suggestion: Dump Striving Readers, Give the Money to School Libraries in High Poverty Areas

A Suggestion: Dump Striving Readers, Give the Money to School Libraries in High Poverty Areas

Stephen Krashen

The House of Representatives has recommended cutting the Striving Readers program, a program aimed at adolescents. I think this is a good idea. Striving Readers costs 200 million per year, and has not produced impressive results.

To get an idea of the effectiveness of Striving Readers, take a look at a 239 page document, Summary of 2006 Striving Readers Projects, by Abt, submitted to the US Department of Education A full description of the programs used is presented starting page 224. The programs are clearly skill-