Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Schools Matter: The Problem with Those Who Defend School Segregation at the Beginning of Black History Month

Schools Matter: The Problem with Those Who Defend School Segregation at the Beginning of Black History Month

The Problem with Those Who Defend School Segregation at the Beginning of Black History Month

It doesn't surprise me to see one of the "thought leaders" from Education Sector, that neoliberal chop shop for bad ideas, offer an undisguised apologia for segregated schools, but it does raise even my eyebrow to see that Kevin Carey chose the first day of Black History to post his prosaic word chiseling entitled "The Trouble with Desegregation."

As pressure builds among civil rights groups for the Obama Administration (Kevin serves on one of Arne's Committees) to do something for those deemed too poor to matter even as Team Obama panders to those too big to fail, Carey has been sent out to make the case that no one at his sludge think tank or anywhere else knows what to do about segregated schools. Here's his utterly unimaginative and ignorant premise:
. . . .the lack of attention to education-based desegregation strategies doesn’t stem from a lack of