Thursday, February 3, 2011

School Report Cards Coming in Late Once Again - Schooled: The Education Blog

School Report Cards Coming in Late Once Again - Schooled: The Education Blog
School Report Cards Coming in Late Once Again

Report cards that detail test scores, expulsion rates, teacher salaries and other information on San Diego Unified schools are tardy once again, making it harder for them to serve their supposed purpose.

Under state law, the reports are supposed to be done by February to help parents make decisions about where to send their children to school. Parents in San Diego Unified are supposed to submit applications soon if they want their child to go to another school, instead of just sticking with their neighborhood school.

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Point Loma Talks Charter Schools

Hundreds of parents, teachers and principals packed the Barnes Tennis Center in Point Loma last night to hear a panel discuss a provocative question: Are charter schools a better way?

The Union-Tribune summed up the event well in its article. If you want more of the play-by-play on everything from tenure to how charters are funded, you can also read the tweets by me and others at the event, including Point Loma teacher Jennifer Roberts and parent blogger Paul Bowers, under the hashtag #plcs.

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