Saturday, February 19, 2011

Robert Creamer: Wisconsin Governor's Attack on Labor May Backfire on Radical Right #wiunion #killthebill #solidarityWI

Robert Creamer: Wisconsin Governor's Attack on Labor May Backfire on Radical Right

Wisconsin Governor's Attack on Labor May Backfire on Radical Right

Saul Alinsky used to say, "you can always count on your enemies." That may turn out to be true in the case of the Wisconsin Governor's attack on the right of state workers to choose a union.

Scott Walker's plan was a blitzkrieg attack that would catch the opposition with its defenses down, like Germany's attack on Russia at the beginning of World War II. His goal was to emasculate the ability of public service employees to negotiate with the state over their salaries and working conditions, and begin the destruction of the unions that represent public sector workers all over America.

Wisconsin was to be the first state to fall. Then other states with radical right Governors - like Ohio and Indiana - would follow suit.

Well, the first casualty of war is the plan. Turns out that - at least for now - Walker's expectation of a lightning-fast victory has been thwarted by a determined Democratic Senate caucus that left the state and denied the Senate a quorum. But just as importantly, the right's entire nationwide plan