Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Richard Whitmire: The Michelle Rhee You Don't Know

Richard Whitmire: The Michelle Rhee You Don't Know

The Michelle Rhee You Don't Know

Many of you have seen Michelle Rhee scowling on the cover of Time wielding a broom. Perhaps you saw her snapping at teachers' union president Randi Weingarten after a preview showing of "Waiting for Superman." Maybe you remember Oprah declaring Rhee a "woman warrior."

All that makes Rhee sound very serious. Severe, even. That's what I expected to find when I started researching a book on Rhee nearly a year ago. However, what I found was something different: Sure, she's severe, but she's also possibly the nation's most interesting lunch companion.

Most likely you've never run across Rhee "lunching": a charitable term for her passionate embrace of all kinds of junk food. You've probably never witnessed her school-girlish attempts to cut back on the use of the words "crazy" and "like."

I'm not saying that Rhee can't be intense. She can. But ignoring the broader personality of the