Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Revising Advanced Placement: Will Thinking Beat Memorizing in the New AP Tests? - Copy / Paste by Peter Pappas

Revising Advanced Placement: Will Thinking Beat Memorizing in the New AP Tests? - Copy / Paste by Peter Pappas

Revising Advanced Placement: Will Thinking Beat Memorizing in the New AP Tests?

The NY Times recently showcased the proposed revamping of the AP program and testing - "Rethinking Advanced Placement" (1/7/11)

"A preview of the changes shows that the board will slash the amount of material students need to know for the tests ... The goal is to clear students' minds to focus on bigger concepts and stimulate more analytic thinking. ... Trevor Packer, the College Board's vice president for Advanced Placement, notes that the changes mark a new direction for the board, which has focused on the tests more than the courses. ...'We really believe that the New A.P. needs to be anchored in a