Friday, February 18, 2011

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney aboard Air Force One en route Portland, Oregon | The White House #wiunion #killthebill #solidarityWI

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Jay Carney aboard Air Force One en route Portland, Oregon | The White House

Q Jay, on Wisconsin, is the President keeping up with what’s going on there? Speaker Boehner today said the President should tell OFA to stand down.

MR. CARNEY: I want to make clear that -- something about what -- the President’s comments in the radio -- the television interview he gave the other day. There are two points he made. One is that he is very understanding of the need for state governments, governors, state legislatures to reduce spending, to be -- to make tough choices, to be fiscally responsible. He’s doing that at the federal level and he understands that states need to do that at the state level.

But he also feels very strongly that we need not to make this an assault on the collective bargaining rights of workers in a given state. Public service workers need to make sacrifices just like everyone else, but there’s a distinction here that he sees. And I just want to make sure that people see that he was very clear about his recognition that states need to deal with their budgets just like the federal government needs to deal with its budget.

Q Do you expect the President to weigh in on this activity in some of the other states -- Ohio or Indiana?

MR. CARNEY: I have no scheduling announcement to make, or I have no information that he would do that.

Q The Post suggested this morning the White House had a role in stoking the protests in Madison.

MR. CARNEY: The President made a comment in a television interview. That's the only role that I see that we've had.

Q What about Organizing For America?

MR. CARNEY: I’d refer you to the DNC for comment on that.

Q Does the President support federal funding for Planned Parenthood?

MR. CARNEY: I'm sorry?

Q Does the President support federal funding for Planned Parenthood?

MR. CARNEY: There’s a longstanding history of funding for Title 10 by HHS, and on the history of that program and the funding of that program and what it does, I'd refer you to HHS.