Saturday, February 5, 2011

The PEP and the School Closing Process is Illegitimate « JD2718

The PEP and the School Closing Process is Illegitimate « JD2718

The PEP and the School Closing Process is Illegitimate

And with that realization, why participate? Quick answer – the walk out was a great response. But that needs some discussion.

On Thursday I was there. (Not Tuesday. I’ve been not well, and even Thursday took effort. But I did not want to miss it)

When we talk at these meetings, we are speaking to each other, and for the record. The meetings are uncomfortable for some of the panelists, especially Black. The discussion among panel members is for the record, and not to affect policy. Eight of thirteen vote yes.

So why do we go? In theory, the votes could go differently. But we know that if one of the eight broke ranks, Bloomberg would replace them, and a revote would restore his direct decision-making authority. It is vaguely