Tuesday, February 8, 2011

NYC Educator: Miss Eyre Does Not Get Cathie Black

NYC Educator: Miss Eyre Does Not Get Cathie Black

Miss Eyre Does Not Get Cathie Black

Well, GothamSchools beat me to it, but I'd still like to say something about New York's surprisingly good profile of Chancellor Black. I get a mysterious print subscription to New York; I cannot, for the life of me, remember purchasing or otherwise opting in to receive the magazine, and yet it comes to my house every week. (Actually, two copies come to my house every week, because, again mysteriously, Mr. Eyre also gets a copy in his own name.) Whatever. So I read it.

Anyway, I enjoyed the profile of Ms. Black very much, if only to have confirmed by a real reporter what I've been feeling for the last couple of months; namely, what is upwith Cathie Black? The New York reporter, public school parent Chris Smith, doesn't