Friday, February 4, 2011

Modern School: Deasy Attacks Rhee & Calls for Free Healthcare for L.A. Kids

Modern School: Deasy Attacks Rhee & Calls for Free Healthcare for L.A. Kids

Deasy Attacks Rhee & Calls for Free Healthcare for L.A. Kids

Is Deasy Leveraging Himself To Passify UTLA?
Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the second largest in the nation, faces staggering budget cuts and a protracted battle with its teachers union, United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA), over attacks on seniority and tenure, massive increases in private charter schools, and publication of teachers’ value-added scores. Incoming Superintendent John Deasy will have his hands full managing these issues without instigating a full blown uprising by L.A. teachers. This may be why, in a recent public appearance, he appeared to oppose the corporate Ed Reform agenda and support a progressive health agenda for L.A. children.

In the speech, Deasy called for free health, vision and dental care for all Los Angeles students who lack it. While this goal is compassionate and sensible (lack of health insurance is a major cause of absenteeism for students) he had no plan for bringing it to fruition. With