Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mayoral candidate del Valle says he shovels snow - Chicago Sun-Times

Mayoral candidate del Valle says he shovels snow - Chicago Sun-Times

Mayoral candidate del Valle says he shovels snow

City Clerk Miguel del Valle is the only one of the top four candidates for mayor who shovels his own snow.

“And with a shovel -- I don’t have a snow-blower,” quipped the under-financed candidate.

His main advice to Chicagoans Monday as the snow encroached:

“Early-vote before the snow gets here,” he said Monday after casting his vote.

More than 6,000 voters took advantage of the first day of early voting Monday, second only to the 2008 presidential election.

After he cast his early vote, Rahm Emanuel was reminded that big snows have altered mayoral elections in the past and asked if his plans included digging voters out of the snow.

“That gives a whole new meaning to campaigning for one vote at a time,” Emanuel quipped.

“The good news is we have people dedicated to doing their jobs. We know what’s coming. Everyone will be, I’m sure, at the city departments, ready for salting as well as snow removal.”

Emanuel is not shoveling this winter at his temporary apartment though he will resume when he