Friday, February 11, 2011

Learn When To Treat Them As Students And Then As People | The Jose Vilson

Learn When To Treat Them As Students And Then As People | The Jose Vilson

Learn When To Treat Them As Students And Then As People

Gonsalvez, Unfinished Puzzle

A few weeks ago, I learned something about the year I’ve had so far, and it unnerved me in a way I didn’t expect. As most of you know, I celebrated another glorious birthday on this Earth on January 24th. I spent time in the company of family and friends through the weekend. IHOP, rum and coke mixes, and heavy doses of well wishes from around the world more than sufficed for that great day. Yet, something was missing, and I couldn’t pinpoint it until about 5pm on the A train home.

My current students barely acknowledged my birthday.

For the past 5 years, I had been so spoiled by the various classes I had, and the kinship I built with each of